Doing tax planning and compliance better.

Advice, planning and compliance for individuals, funds, trusts and corporations, including US expansion, affected by the complex and challenging US tax system, wherever they may be in the world.

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Welcome to USTAXFS

As fiercely independent as when we were established over 35 years ago, and with offices in London, Zurich and Geneva, we do US tax advice, compliance and planning better. By investing in specialist talent and empowering our professional staff, our teams of US and US/UK tax accountants and US attorneys provide a world-class service you can rely on. Delivering consistently high-quality, compliant filing and planning decisions, tailored to your unique needs and goals.

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Private Client & Individual
US and US/UK Tax Services

By law all US persons must file annual income tax returns and required informational returns, to report worldwide income, capital gains and non-US assets, no matter where they live. This can be complicated and daunting, therefore, our Private Client Group has in-depth experience and current knowledge in all aspects of US tax, including tax return preparation, compliance and planning. Find Out More

As cross-border financial planning and international tax issues are complicated, our Private Client Group includes highly qualified experts in both US and UK tax advisory and compliance for US-connected individuals, including the complex specialism of US/UK cross-border tax planning. We are also members of the GGI Global network with professional tax and legal advisors in 126 countries around the world to support complex multi-jurisdictional cases. Find Out More

Our dedicated local teams based in Zurich and Geneva specialize in all aspects of US tax advisory and compliance services. Expats ourselves, living and working in Switzerland, we speak multiple languages and have a deep understanding of local documents, regulations and cantonal systems, as well as how to navigate international tax. Find Out More

Many American citizens who have lived outside the United States for a number of years find it increasingly difficult to reconcile paying and reporting taxes on worldwide income to the US. For personal or financial reasons, an individual may decide to renounce their US citizenship. Under certain circumstances, the US may then impose an expatriate tax or “US Exit Tax” at the time of expatriation. Find Out More

Trusts, Estates & Family Offices
US-Connected Tax Services

There are many benefits of using a trust, including asset protection and management, generational planning and for income tax and estate tax purposes. However, the US tax treatment of trusts can be complex, so our dedicated US Trust division offers up-to-the-minute advice and ensures you avoid the substantial compliance issues that affect US taxes on foreign income. Find Out More

US taxpayers often participate in foreign pension plans as these can be useful, tax preferred, investment tools in the jurisdiction where they are a tax resident, but are treated differently in other jurisdictions. Complexities also arise when reporting to the IRS, given the substantial penalties for non-compliance. But we can help you, whether you are a US individual or a pension provider. Find Out More

Transfers during life or at death will have a US Estate and Gift Tax impact. We review your income and estate plan completely for US tax implications and assist in the development of a lifetime gifting program, or appropriate estate structure, to minimize the impact for when the inevitable happens. We also prepare Gift Tax returns and Estate Tax returns for both citizens and non-US residents. Find Out More

Losing someone is never easy without the complication of managing one’s estate. We can work with your advisors and help navigate the process during this difficult time to ensure the complexities of the estate and its US tax compliance are in order. Find Out More

Funds & Partnerships
US-Connected Tax Services

Investment Funds with US investors and/or US investments have extensive US reporting requirements. To navigate the extremely complex US tax system, our dedicated team of highly experienced, fund-focused US tax professionals offer customized services for every stage of a fund’s lifecycle. This includes structuring, advice on including US investors, US tax compliance and support for a clean exit.  We specialise in K-1, K-2 and K-3 reporting for investors, CFCs (Controlled Foreign Corporation), along with PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Corporation) testing. Find Out More

Partnerships, both domestic and foreign, have distinct tax treatment compared to corporations. They submit annual information returns but do not pay income tax themselves. Instead, they distribute profits or losses to partners (individuals, corporations, trusts) using K-1 forms. Limited Partnerships, common in Private Equity and Venture Capital, fall under this category. Foreign partnerships with US operations typically file US partnership income returns, and non-US partners may need to file US non-resident income tax returns (individuals) or a US Income Tax Return of a Foreign Corporation (corporations). Non-US partnerships with US partners may face complex US reporting requirements even without US operations. Find Out More

Entities that are either a US-based or foreign partnership are required to designate a Partnership Representative to serve as the direct contact with the IRS for all taxable years. We are well placed to be a trusted and knowledgeable Partnership Representative to limited partners, general partners and limited liability companies. Find Out More

Corporations, US Expansion & FATCA

Corporations have different tax treatment from other business entities such as Partnerships.  As an integrated firm of cross-border tax lawyers and accountants, we work with many types of corporate entities where there are US connections and are an attractive alternative to the Big Four in terms of fees, experience and proven history of working in multiple jurisdictions. We support corporations in an advisory capacity and through our suite of US compliance services. Find Out More

The US remains a focal market for companies looking to expand and scale their business, particularly with US-based investment, but the regulations and set-up can be daunting. Our specialist US Expansion team advises businesses on how to set up in the US, including on a Federal and State level. We have established relationships within US immigration firms, commercial law, fund raising, sales tax and various government agencies including SelectUSA (a commercial arm of the US government) and the UK Department for Business and Trade. Find Out More

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a US federal law that is intended to target US Persons who may be concealing assets held in foreign accounts. When the relevant financial institutions identify their US customers in accordance with FATCA, they must report them to the IRS.  If a taxpayer’s US tax returns or information reports have not been filed, or incorrectly filed, the US taxpayer could be subject to civil penalties and possible criminal charges, and the bank may be fined. We can help you bring your filing up to date and compliant. Find Out More

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Dave Daley on the Impact of the 2024 Election on Tax Policy

February 26, 2025

GGI Global Alliance are hosting a panel discussion entitled, “The Impact of the 2024 Election on Tax Policy...